Digital Nomad Visas

How Families Thrive on Digital Nomad Visas

The Rise of Family Digital Nomads
As remote work becomes the new norm, the appeal of living anywhere with a reliable internet connection is attracting families seeking a break from the daily grind. According to MBO Partners, the number of American digital nomads increased by 9% within a year, totaling almost 17 million by 2022.

Overcoming Family-Specific Challenges
While the prospect of a nomadic lifestyle is enticing, families often face unique challenges. Concerns about schooling, health, and fostering lasting friendships for children can be barriers. However, some families have successfully navigated these hurdles, proving that the nomadic life is feasible for all.

The Keller Family: French Polynesia Adventure
Sam Keller, CEO of Working Without Borders, and his family relocated from California to French Polynesia during the pandemic. Keller highlights the importance of choosing a family-friendly destination and leveraging online support and resources for education, referring to it as “world schooling.”

The Elledge-Penner Family: 20 Countries in 5 Years
Martin Penner and Taryn Elledge-Penner, along with their three children, left Seattle in 2018 to explore nearly 20 countries. Their key to success lies in connecting with people, prioritizing sustainable travel, and adapting to changing family dynamics. Despite challenges like “decision fatigue” and the need for balance, they emphasize the growing options for education and support for families on the road.

Embracing Change and Finding Balance
While the pre-teen years may bring new challenges, families are finding ways to adapt, discovering the richness of the world as their classroom. The growing popularity of the digital nomad lifestyle has resulted in increased resources, from co-working retreats tailored for families to extensive online communities offering guidance.

In conclusion, being a digital nomad isn’t just a solo adventure. Families are rewriting the narrative, proving that with careful planning, flexibility, and a sense of adventure, the nomadic lifestyle can be a fulfilling and enriching experience for all members.

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    • Rady Smith
      March 16, 2020 at 6:54 am  - 

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  • Rady Smith
    March 16, 2020 at 6:55 am  - 

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